Hotkeys: what does it do?

As mentioned, it basically shows a list of keyboard shortcuts with a short explanation. But that's not all.

First of all you need to be able to select which application's keyboard shortcuts you want to see.

close-up of the tool selector

Next, it would be nice to order the list in different ways, like on key or on description. You can do that by clicking on the header of the column of your choice. Here's a close-up of that.

close-up of some column headers

Searching for a specific description is also something you might want. I even made it possible to filter on the search term, and to quickly go the the next and previous item found.

close-up of the search field and filter checkbox

Three menus are available.

From the Application menu you can exit the application or modify some application-wide settings:

the application menu gives the option to exit

Currently you can define which tools this application can handle (more about this option here), choose the interface language or select the set of keydefs to show when starting up the application.

Choosing Application → Settings → Language starts the language dialog

interface language dialog

which has currently two choices: English and Dutch

choosing the interface language

Choosing Application → Settings → Set Preferred Tool starts another dialog:

set tool to show at startup

here you can choose the set of keydefs to show on startup. Either select from the available options or choose to show the one that was open when you last closed the application ("pick up from where you left off").

From the Tool Specific menu you can edit specific settings or do some manipulations with the definitions file for the currently selected tool:

the tool specific menu gives the option to reload the tool data

If an action is not available for the current tool, the option is greyed out. For the settings a submenu is available:

the tool specific settings menu also has an option for manual input

More about tool specific stuff here

Finally there is the help menu:

the help menu gives the option to view some info

Choosing help -> about gives some info about this application:

"about this application"