Albert's Find and Replace In Files Tool
I think AFRIFT is a silly name, but FileFindR isn't much better?
There are three versions of this application. The original is standalone, the others were meant to be started from within other applications but in the end it's the same athing just with different startup parameters, like you can have on the command line. So the different application versions are now just different starter scripts.
The main difference is just what you're looking at: a directory contining files, a single file or a list containing directories and/or files. For all of these you can specify what you will be looking for and how you want the output to be shown (and eventually stored).

The results are presented in a separate screen:

Note that with the push of a button you can save the results to a file for further inspection. As I found it useful to be able to copy to the clipboard (and later paste into another application) instead of creating a new file, I also added that option and one to get the output in a format different from the original.
I derived two versions from this: one that can be used from within a file manager where you select the files and directories you want to search in, and one that you can start from within a text editor to do the search action on the file you're currently working on.
Both can also be invoked from the command line with a filename parameter: for the multi file version this file contains the directories and files to search in, and for the single file version this is the file to search in.
The screens accompanying these versions are mostly the same as the ones shown above:

as are the result screens:

Depending on the version, part of the file path is hidden in the leftmost column; when saving the results you can choose to have the path shown extended to the full path.
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