Artists page
The list of artists is currently just that: a list of artist names.
There are separate fields for first name and last name; the way the artists are presented in a selector is ordered on last name. This way you can also have prefixes like "the" ignored.
While this makes sense, it's not that effective for quickly positioning in the selector unfortunately (typing the first letter when the box has focus) because they position based on the first letter in te word) - that's just the way web browsers work. But anyway. Perhaps I should reconsider putting the first name first.

This part needs an overhaul I think: currently it opens up in edit mode, maybe it should start in view mode (although editing would be the main reason to go to this screen) and it would be much easier if you could submit all your changes at once like with the tracks and recordings lists on the detais page.
Currently it is built for processing changes one by one, using the "Aanpassen" buttons to submit a single line, "Terugzetten" to revert all the changes (which doesn't work the way it's implemented now, by the way), and the "Nieuw" button to open the page for a new artist: