ActieReg: issue summary
The first page shows some details or the issue, containing the id ("actie"), when it was reported and by who ("gemeld op"), and other data that can be modified:

Note that the navigation options to the various detail pages can now be selected.
Information that can be changed here: the application component it concerns ("betreft") and a short description ("omschrijving"), the type of issue ("soort") and its current status, the person the issue is assigned to ("in behandeling bij") and the date, time and user of the last change ("laatst gewijzigd door"). At the top of the summary the component and description are also shown, this is the same for all detail pages.
At the bottom there is a button ("actie archiveren") for archiving the issue (or reviving it when it's archived), and below that are three buttons that are present on each page: modify ("actie wijzigen", modify and go to next page ("wijzigen en volgende scherm"), and reset ("terugzetten").
When the issue is archived, the information on this page can not be modified, you can only click the button to revive the issue (it shows "actie herleven" in that case).